
Remember the Poor: Paul, Poverty, and the Greco-Roman World is unavailable, but you can change that!

Many scholars engaged in exploring the economic dimensions of early Christianity simply don’t bother with Paul, mistakenly believing that he had little regard for the poor and that his theological deliberations therefore have little relevance to studies of wealth and poverty in the Greco-Roman world. In Remember the Poor, Bruce Longenecker counters this view, arguing persuasively that care for...

But binary rhetorical constructs of this sort are not to be taken as economic descriptors of the Greco-Roman world. The point will be returned to below. For now, it is enough to note that binary modeling has a strong foothold in some sectors of New Testament studies. The most significant recent advocate of a binary model is Justin Meggitt. In his important book Paul, Poverty and Survival, Meggitt argues that Greco-Roman society “was split into two distinct groups, with a wide gulf separating them.”12
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